2007 00 219-226
福建农林大学资源与环境学院,福建农林大学资源与环境学院,福建农林大学资源与环境学院 福建福州350002,福建福州350002,福建福州350002
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[2]Post W M,Rmanuel W R,Zinke P J,et al.Soil carbon pools and world life zones[J].Nature,1982.298:156-159.
[3]Schlesinger W H.Evidence from chronosequence studies for a low carbon storage potential of soil[J].Nature,1990,348:232-234.
[5]Schimel D S,Braswell B H,Holland E A,et al.Climatic,edaphic and biotic controls over storage and turnoverof carbon in soils[J].Glob.Biogeochem.Cycle,1994,8:279-293.
[7]Houghton J T,Jenkins G J,Ephraums J J.Climate Change The IPCC Scientific Assessment[M].New York:Cambridge University Press.1990.
[11]Batjes N H.Options for increasing carbon sequestration in West African soils:An exploratory study with specialfocus on Senegal[J].Land Degrad.Dev.2001,12:131-142.
[12]Tiessen H,Cuevas E,Chacon P.The role of soil organic matter in sustaining soil fertility[J].Nature,1993,371:783-785.
[13]Eswaran H,Vander Berg E,Reich P.Organic carbon in soils of the world[J].Soil Sci.Soc.A m.J.,1993,57:192-194.
[17]Dai A,Fung I Y.Can climate variability contributes to the“missing”CO2 sinks[J].Global BiogeochemicalCycles,1993,7:599-609.
[18]Tian H,Mellilo J M,Kichlighter D W,et al.Effects of interannual climate variability on carbon storage inAmazonian ecosystems[J].Nature,1998,396:664-667.
[19]Friedlingstein P,Fung I,Holland E,et al.On the contribution of CO2to the missing biospheric sink[J].Global BiogeochemicalCycles,1995,9:541-556.
[21]Dixon R K,Brown S,Houghton R A,et al.Carbon pools and flux of global forest ecosystems[J].Science,1994,263:185-190.
[22]Norby R.Carbon cycle:inside the black box[J].Nature,1997,388:522-523.
[23]ChapinFSⅢ,Maston P A,Mooney HA.Principles of Terrestrial Ecosystem Ecology[M].NewYork:Spring-er-verlag Berlin Heidelberg.2002.
[24]Shaverb G R,Canadell J,Chapin F SⅢ,et al.Global warming and terrestrial ecosystems:a conceptual frame-work for analysis[J].Biol.Sci.,2000,50:871-882.
[25]Vukicevic T,Braswell B H,Scheimel D.A diagnostic study of temperature controls on global terrestrial carbonexchange[J].Tell us B,2001,53:150-170.
[27]Keeling C D,BacastowR B,Carter AF,et al.Athree-dimensional model of atmospheric CO2transport basedon observed winds,Analysis of observational data.In:Perters on D H.Aspects of Climate Variability in thePacific and the Western Americas,Washington D C.Geophys[J].Monogr.Ser.,AGU,1989,55:165-236.
[28]Houghton R A.Effects of land-use change,surface temperature,and CO2concentration on terrestrial stores ofcarbon.In:GM Woodwell,Mackenzie F T,eds.Biotic Feedbacks in the Global Climatic System:Will theWarming Feed the Warming[J].New York:Oxford Univ Press,1995.333-350.
[29]Farquhar GD,Roderick ML.Pinatubo,Diffuse Light,and the carbon cycle[J].Science,2003,299:1997-1998.
[30]Gu L H,Baldocchi D D,Wofsy S C,et al.Response of a deciduous forest to the mount pinatubo eruption:en-hanced photosynthesis[J].Science,2003,299:2035-2038.
[32]Sass R L,Fisher F M,Jund M F,Tumer F T.Methane emission fromrice fields:effect of soil propertise[J].Global Biogeochemical Cycles,1994(8):135-140.
[33]Wang I P.Soil redox and pH effects on methane production in a flooded rice soil[J].Soil Sci.Soc.Am.J.,1993,51:382-388.
[34]K毢rner C.Biosphere responses to CO2-enrichment[J].Ecol.Appl.,2000,10:1590-1619.
[35]Law RM,et al.Variations in modeled atmospheric transport of carbon dioxide and the consequences for CO2in-versions[J].Global Biogeochem.Cycles,1996,10:783-796.
[36]Luo Y Q,Reynolds J,Wang Y P.Asearch for predictive understanding of plant responses to elevated CO2[J].Global Change Biol.,1999,5:143-156.
[37]Schimel D,Melillo J,Tian HQ,et al.Contribution of increasing CO2and climate to carbon storage by ecosys-tems in the US[J].Science,2000,287:2004-2006.
[38]Dhakhwa G B,et al.Maize growth:assessing the effects of global warming and CO2fertilization with cropmodels[J].Agricultural and Forest Meteorology,1998,87(4):251-270.
[39]Wigley TML,Schimel D S,et al.The carbon cycle[J].Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2000.9-10;77-92.
[41]Sharkey TD.Photosynthesis in inact leaves of C3plants:physics,physiology and rate limitations[J].BotRev.,1985,51:507.
[42]Gunderson C A,Wullschleger S D.Photosynthetic acclimation in trees to rising atmospheric CO2:A broaderperspective[J].Photosyth.Res.,1994,39:369-388.
[43]Rogers HH,Runion G B.Plant responses to atmospheric CO2environment with emphasis on roots and the rhi-zosphere[J].Environmental Pollution,1994,83:155-189.
[44]Han Xingguo,Li Linghao,Huang Jianhui.The fundamental of biogeochemistry[J].Beijing:Higher EducationPress,1999.177-185.
[45]Wang Ye xu,Zhao Shi dong,Niu Dong.Research state of soil carbon cycling in terrestrial ecosystem[J].Chi-nese Journal of Ecology,1999,18(5):29-35.
[49]Chapin F SⅢ,Maston PA,Mooney HA.Principles of Terrestrial Ecosystem Ecology[M].NewYork:Springer-verlag Berlin Heidelberg.2002.
[51]Marland G,Boden T.Global CO2emissions from fossil-fuel burning,cement manufacture,and gas flaring:1751-2000[J/OL].http://cdiac.esd.ornl.gov/ftp/ndp030/globa100.ems.2003.
[52]Vourlitis G L,Oechel W C,Hastings S J,et al.The effect of soil moisture and thawdepth on CH4flex from wetcoastal tundra ecosystems on the north slope of Alaska[J].chemosphere,1993,26:329-338.
[2]Post W M,Rmanuel W R,Zinke P J,et al.Soil carbon pools and world life zones[J].Nature,1982.298:156-159.
[3]Schlesinger W H.Evidence from chronosequence studies for a low carbon storage potential of soil[J].Nature,1990,348:232-234.
[5]Schimel D S,Braswell B H,Holland E A,et al.Climatic,edaphic and biotic controls over storage and turnoverof carbon in soils[J].Glob.Biogeochem.Cycle,1994,8:279-293.
[7]Houghton J T,Jenkins G J,Ephraums J J.Climate Change The IPCC Scientific Assessment[M].New York:Cambridge University Press.1990.
[11]Batjes N H.Options for increasing carbon sequestration in West African soils:An exploratory study with specialfocus on Senegal[J].Land Degrad.Dev.2001,12:131-142.
[12]Tiessen H,Cuevas E,Chacon P.The role of soil organic matter in sustaining soil fertility[J].Nature,1993,371:783-785.
[13]Eswaran H,Vander Berg E,Reich P.Organic carbon in soils of the world[J].Soil Sci.Soc.A m.J.,1993,57:192-194.
[17]Dai A,Fung I Y.Can climate variability contributes to the“missing”CO2 sinks[J].Global BiogeochemicalCycles,1993,7:599-609.
[18]Tian H,Mellilo J M,Kichlighter D W,et al.Effects of interannual climate variability on carbon storage inAmazonian ecosystems[J].Nature,1998,396:664-667.
[19]Friedlingstein P,Fung I,Holland E,et al.On the contribution of CO2to the missing biospheric sink[J].Global BiogeochemicalCycles,1995,9:541-556.
[21]Dixon R K,Brown S,Houghton R A,et al.Carbon pools and flux of global forest ecosystems[J].Science,1994,263:185-190.
[22]Norby R.Carbon cycle:inside the black box[J].Nature,1997,388:522-523.
[23]ChapinFSⅢ,Maston P A,Mooney HA.Principles of Terrestrial Ecosystem Ecology[M].NewYork:Spring-er-verlag Berlin Heidelberg.2002.
[24]Shaverb G R,Canadell J,Chapin F SⅢ,et al.Global warming and terrestrial ecosystems:a conceptual frame-work for analysis[J].Biol.Sci.,2000,50:871-882.
[25]Vukicevic T,Braswell B H,Scheimel D.A diagnostic study of temperature controls on global terrestrial carbonexchange[J].Tell us B,2001,53:150-170.
[27]Keeling C D,BacastowR B,Carter AF,et al.Athree-dimensional model of atmospheric CO2transport basedon observed winds,Analysis of observational data.In:Perters on D H.Aspects of Climate Variability in thePacific and the Western Americas,Washington D C.Geophys[J].Monogr.Ser.,AGU,1989,55:165-236.
[28]Houghton R A.Effects of land-use change,surface temperature,and CO2concentration on terrestrial stores ofcarbon.In:GM Woodwell,Mackenzie F T,eds.Biotic Feedbacks in the Global Climatic System:Will theWarming Feed the Warming[J].New York:Oxford Univ Press,1995.333-350.
[29]Farquhar GD,Roderick ML.Pinatubo,Diffuse Light,and the carbon cycle[J].Science,2003,299:1997-1998.
[30]Gu L H,Baldocchi D D,Wofsy S C,et al.Response of a deciduous forest to the mount pinatubo eruption:en-hanced photosynthesis[J].Science,2003,299:2035-2038.
[32]Sass R L,Fisher F M,Jund M F,Tumer F T.Methane emission fromrice fields:effect of soil propertise[J].Global Biogeochemical Cycles,1994(8):135-140.
[33]Wang I P.Soil redox and pH effects on methane production in a flooded rice soil[J].Soil Sci.Soc.Am.J.,1993,51:382-388.
[34]K毢rner C.Biosphere responses to CO2-enrichment[J].Ecol.Appl.,2000,10:1590-1619.
[35]Law RM,et al.Variations in modeled atmospheric transport of carbon dioxide and the consequences for CO2in-versions[J].Global Biogeochem.Cycles,1996,10:783-796.
[36]Luo Y Q,Reynolds J,Wang Y P.Asearch for predictive understanding of plant responses to elevated CO2[J].Global Change Biol.,1999,5:143-156.
[37]Schimel D,Melillo J,Tian HQ,et al.Contribution of increasing CO2and climate to carbon storage by ecosys-tems in the US[J].Science,2000,287:2004-2006.
[38]Dhakhwa G B,et al.Maize growth:assessing the effects of global warming and CO2fertilization with cropmodels[J].Agricultural and Forest Meteorology,1998,87(4):251-270.
[39]Wigley TML,Schimel D S,et al.The carbon cycle[J].Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2000.9-10;77-92.
[41]Sharkey TD.Photosynthesis in inact leaves of C3plants:physics,physiology and rate limitations[J].BotRev.,1985,51:507.
[42]Gunderson C A,Wullschleger S D.Photosynthetic acclimation in trees to rising atmospheric CO2:A broaderperspective[J].Photosyth.Res.,1994,39:369-388.
[43]Rogers HH,Runion G B.Plant responses to atmospheric CO2environment with emphasis on roots and the rhi-zosphere[J].Environmental Pollution,1994,83:155-189.
[44]Han Xingguo,Li Linghao,Huang Jianhui.The fundamental of biogeochemistry[J].Beijing:Higher EducationPress,1999.177-185.
[45]Wang Ye xu,Zhao Shi dong,Niu Dong.Research state of soil carbon cycling in terrestrial ecosystem[J].Chi-nese Journal of Ecology,1999,18(5):29-35.
[49]Chapin F SⅢ,Maston PA,Mooney HA.Principles of Terrestrial Ecosystem Ecology[M].NewYork:Springer-verlag Berlin Heidelberg.2002.
[51]Marland G,Boden T.Global CO2emissions from fossil-fuel burning,cement manufacture,and gas flaring:1751-2000[J/OL].http://cdiac.esd.ornl.gov/ftp/ndp030/globa100.ems.2003.
[52]Vourlitis G L,Oechel W C,Hastings S J,et al.The effect of soil moisture and thawdepth on CH4flex from wetcoastal tundra ecosystems on the north slope of Alaska[J].chemosphere,1993,26:329-338.